Written in the Stars

It is my hope that with your reading, be it for yourself or to understand your children, you walk away with clarity and a knowing that you understand yourself that much better.
Sarah Brynteson
Astrologier and Intuitive Guidance
Sarah Brynteson
Astrologier and Intuitive Guidance
Choose a service to schedule
Individual learning of YOUR energy
- 30 Intuitive Guidance - $75
This is an Zoom meeting with Sarah for an Initiative Guidance reading for an over the age of 18.
An Intuitive Guidance session with Sarah goes way beyond psychic readings. During these sessions, Sarah tunes into your Guides and Higher Self to offer you practical advice. She also helps clear out any limiting beliefs and blocks that might be holding you back. It's all about getting you the insights you need and freeing you up to move forward more confidently.
Intuitive Guidance session may include:
Your 30 can be about anything that you would like to help you with the guidance you are looking for. With this in mind here are some ideas that you can use the reading for as well:
-Guidance with healing and removing blocks or limiting beliefs, plus support from your guides.
-Receive messages from your spirit guide team along with insights about your guides. If the timing is right, mediumship may also be part of the session.
-Get clarity on whatever you need, whether it’s love, health, career, business, manifestation, or anything else you’re seeking insight on. - 60 Intuitive Guidance - $150
This is a Zoom meeting with Sarah for an Initiative Guidance reading for an over the age of 18 located.
An Intuitive Guidance session with Sarah goes way beyond psychic readings. During these sessions, Sarah tunes into your Guides and Higher Self to offer you practical advice. She also helps clear out any limiting beliefs and blocks that might be holding you back. It's all about getting you the insights you need and freeing you up to move forward more confidently.
Intuitive Guidance session may include:
Your 60 minute session can be about anything that you would like to help you with the guidance you are looking for. With this in mind here are some ideas that you can use the reading for as well:
-Guidance with healing and removing blocks or limiting beliefs, plus support from your guides.
-Receive messages from your spirit guide team along with insights about your guides. If the timing is right, mediumship may also be part of the session.
-Get clarity on whatever you need, whether it’s love, health, career, business, manifestation, or anything else you’re seeking insight on. - 30 minute Oracle Card or Celtic Tree Ogham Reading - $75
This is Zoom session where we will use either Oracle cards or the Celtic Tree Ogham to help you answer your question at hand. It is designed for those 18 years or older.
What is Oracle Cards? I use many different types of decks to help answer the question you have at hand. Many times they paint a picture of what your answers are to your question.
What is Celtic Ogham? The ogham is a celtic alphabet/divination system, based on 25 native British trees. It is used in much the same way as runes, though less commonly used than runes. From this reading you will learn more about the energy of the question at hand.
What to expect:
- If you are using a computer you will be able to just click the link from the confirmation email to join the meeting. If using your tablet or phone the Zoom app will need to be downloaded and possibility updated. It is helpful to have headphones at times as well.
-This 30 minute session will be with your choice of Oracle cards or the Celtic Ogham - 60 Minute Birth Chart Reading - $150
An astrology chart is a map of your amazing soul. We will go over the basics of your chart to help you have a foundation to build on.
An Astrology Birth Chart is a tool that can help you navigate through this journey we call life and all the bumps and waves and experiences along the way. Through your reading we will look at your gifts + talents, your own unique challenges and struggles, to help you love and give compassion for your life path. These are designed for individuals over the age of 18.
My hope is this gives you permission to live your best life to bring your dreams into focus and reality!
What to expect:
-A 50 minute Zoom recorded session with me where we will discuss the energy you were born with in your birth chart.
- You will receive this recording in an email after the session along with a copy of your birth chart.
- I will also send you a PDF that gives general information about what the planets, signs and houses mean.
- I also send out a weekly email that shares the energy of the week that you can be added to if you wish.
NOTE: When booking this session please include your Date of Birth including year, Time of birth with AM or PM and Location. It is truly important to have the exact time of birth so that the most accurate information can be shared with you. - 30 minute Session - $75
This 25 minute session is perfect for those who have a question about an aspect of their Astrology Birth Chart. These are designed for individuals over the age of 18.
Thirty minutes helps us to check in and look into different aspects of your cosmic chart. This check in can include a New Moon or Full Moon reading depending on when the reading is booked.
Since this is for returning clients upon booking I will confirm the birth data I have with you. This session is recorded and the recording will be sent to you after it.
An Astrology Birth Chart is a tool that can help you navigate through this journey we call life and all the bumps and waves and experiences along the way. Through your reading we will look at your gifts + talents, your own unique challenges and struggles, to help you love and give compassion for your life path.
My hope is this gives you permission to live your best life to bring your dreams into focus and reality! - 2025 Outlook 30 minute Oracle Card or Celtic Tree Ogham Reading - $50
Wondering about 2025? Using either Oracle cards or the Celtic Tree Ogham we will look at the energy of each month during this session. These sessions can only be booked through January 31, 2025.
This is Zoom session where we will use either Oracle cards or the Celtic Tree Ogham to help you answer your question at hand. It is designed for those 18 years or older.
What is Oracle Cards? I use many different types of decks to help answer the question you have at hand. Many times they paint a picture of what your answers are to your question.
What is Celtic Ogham? The ogham is a celtic alphabet/divination system, based on 25 native British trees. It is used in much the same way as runes, though less commonly used than runes. From this reading you will learn more about the energy of the question at hand.
What to expect:
- If you are using a computer you will be able to just click the link from the confirmation email to join the meeting. If using your tablet or phone the Zoom app will need to be downloaded and possibility updated. It is helpful to have headphones at times as well.
-This 30 minute session will be with your choice of Oracle cards or the Celtic Ogham
Chart Rectification - For those who do not know their Birth time
- Chart Rectification - Discover your Ascendant (approx. birth time) - $150
****Please Note! The time you are setting up here is not your appointment. It is to start the process to gather information. Once information is gathered a follow up appointment will be made to share the results. ******
This service is for those of you who do not know their birth time - though know their birth day, month and year. This is a multi-step collaborative process to determine Ascendant (Rising Sign).
NOTE: If you do not know your birth day please email me at sarah@writteninthestars.me and supply what information you do. From that information I can provide what the pricing would be for this process.
Together we will use what you know of your birth time along with events that occurred in your lifetime to find your approximate birth time to lead to your Ascendent.
Next steps after selecting this option within 24-48 hours I will send you information to aide in the discovery of your approximate time of birth. At that time I'll share what info is needed and we will set up a 50 minute session to discover your approximate time of birth together.
You will be asked to share in the next form what you do know about your birth date, location and time. - Chart Rectification + Astrology - $222
This service is for those of you who do not know know their birth time. This is a multi-step collaborative process to determine Ascendant (Rising Sign).
Together we will use what you know of your birth time (along with your known birth day, month and year) along with events that occurred in your lifetime to find your approximate birth time to lead to your Ascendent.
NOTE: If you do not know your birth day please email me at sarah@writteninthestars.me and supply what information you do. From that information I can provide what the pricing would be for this process.
Please Note! The time you are setting up here is not your appointment. It is to start the process to gather information. Once information is gathered a follow up appointment will be made to share the results.
Next steps after selecting this option within 24-48 hours I will send you information to aide in the discovery of your approximate time of birth. At that time I'll share what info is needed and we will set up a 50 minute session to discover your approximate time of birth together. After we discover this time a second separate 50 minute session to have a proper Birth Chart reading.
Child charts read for Parents to understand their energy
- 1st time - Child's charts read for Parents understanding of their energy - $150
This service is designed to work with a parent discovering the energy of their child through their Birth Chart from the ages of 0-18 years old. I move through the child's chart and share with the parent the beautiful soul their child are in with - their gifts and potential. This is extremely helpful for parents on understanding how to best work with their child - each child is so unique in their own way. It's a map to parenting!
One child per session please, and the age range for these is anywhere from 0 - 18.
*If over 14 I do ask that your child is made aware that we will be looking at their chart and that they are okay with it. If your child is between 14-18 I ask that the child of the parent is still living under the roof of the parent and is taking care of the person. If you are unsure about it please feel free to email me. Consent is super important to me which is why I am limiting the ages I read charts for parents to those under 18. This consent to ensure that both parties are okay with birth information shared.
When filling out the form for the birth information please include your Child's Date of birth, Time of Birth and Location. - 60 min RETURNING Parent for update on Child's Chart - $150
This service is for returning parents seeking updates on their child's development through astrology while addressing multiple questions or concerns. If you’d spend about a hour discussing these topics with a friend, this is the right choice for you.
One child per appointment please.
A child is defined as someone under your care under the age of 18. If over 14 I do ask that your child is made aware that we will be looking at their chart and that they are okay with it.
If your child is between 14-18 I ask that the child of the parent is still living under the roof of the parent and is taking care of the person. If you are unsure about it please feel free to email me. Consent is super important to me which is why I am limiting the ages I read charts for parents to those under 18. This consent to ensure that both parties are okay with birth information shared.
Since this is for returning parents I should have the birth data for your child. I will confirm the information as well. - 30 min - RETURNING Parent for update on Child's Chart - $75
This service is for returning parents seeking updates on their child's development through astrology while addressing one question or concerns. If you’d spend about 25 minutes discussing these topics with a friend, this is the right choice for you.
One child per appointment please.
A child is defined as someone under your care under the age of 18. If over 14 I do ask that your child is made aware that we will be looking at their chart and that they are okay with it.
If your child is between 14-18 I ask that the child of the parent is still living under the roof of the parent and is taking care of the person. If you are unsure about it please feel free to email me. Consent is super important to me which is why I am limiting the ages I read charts for parents to those under 18. This consent to ensure that both parties are okay with birth information shared.
Since this is for returning parents I should have the birth data for your child. I will confirm the information as well.
Dreams to Reality
- First Session: Dreams to Reality - $150
This service is for the person who would like to use their Astrology chart to strategically bring their dreams to reality.
This is based off of the ideas from: The Book of Houses: An Astrological Guide to the Harvest Cycle in Human Life by Robert Cole - and how they were put into practice using an Astrology birth chart. The ideal time to start this process is when the Sun is in your 11th house as that is the Wishing house.
To discover the ideal time look to see what Sign is in the beginning of your 11th house:
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - Aug. 22
Virgo: Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
Libra: Sept. 23 - Oct. 23
Scorpio: Oct. 24 - Nov. 22
Sagittarius: Nov. 23 - Dec. 21
Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
Aquarius: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18
Pisces: Feb. 19 - March 20
I have found using this system it not only works but it is easy to use. Using this system we worked at paying off our debt, having money for our children to go to college, a patio built and so much more.
How is this different than a "normal reading"
*We will be using your chart and the goals you would like to achieve this year through the next five years. The goal will be to work with 3-7 seeds.
*As we all know some "seeds" we plant sometimes take time, and some grow faster than others. This strategically helps you to cultivate your short term and longer term goals to bring them from dreams to reality.
* Disclaimer: Not everything comes to reality exactly how you plan it. When you plan it makes it easier to know what work needs to be done bring it to reality. One of my wishes for 2022 was to have a happy place where I could meditate with a new patio. Although, it didn't happen in the timeline I wanted - it was finished and I do have that happy place now.
What do I need to do?
*Know it is up to you. Your dreams are worth becoming a reality. I believe it already for you.
*From there, we will strategically plan and follow up at least 4 times through out the year on the progress.
- Returning First Session: Dreams to Reality - $100
This service is for the person who would like to use their Astrology chart to strategically bring their dreams to reality. This is for those who have experienced at least one year of this program with me.
This is based off of the ideas from: The Book of Houses: An Astrological Guide to the Harvest Cycle in Human Life by Robert Cole - and how they were put into practice using an Astrology birth chart. The ideal time to start this process is when the Sun is in your 11th house as that is the Wishing house.
To discover the ideal time look to see what Sign is in the beginning of your 11th house:
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - Aug. 22
Virgo: Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
Libra: Sept. 23 - Oct. 23
Scorpio: Oct. 24 - Nov. 22
Sagittarius: Nov. 23 - Dec. 21
Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
Aquarius: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18
Pisces: Feb. 19 - March 20
I have found using this system it not only works but it is easy to use. Using this system we worked at paying off our debt, having money for our children to go to college, a patio built and so much more.
How is this different than a "normal reading"
*We will be using your chart and the goals you would like to achieve this year through the next five years. The goal will be to work with 3-7 seeds.
*As we all know some "seeds" we plant sometimes take time, and some grow faster than others. This strategically helps you to cultivate your short term and longer term goals to bring them from dreams to reality.
* Disclaimer: Not everything comes to reality exactly how you plan it. When you plan it makes it easier to know what work needs to be done bring it to reality. One of my wishes for 2022 was to have a happy place where I could meditate with a new patio. Although, it didn't happen in the timeline I wanted - it was finished and I do have that happy place now.
What do I need to do?
*Know it is up to you. Your dreams are worth becoming a reality. I believe it already for you.
*From there, we will strategically plan and follow up at least 4 times through out the year on the progress.
- Follow up sessions: Dreams to Reality - $75
These sessions are exclusively for those who have done the current year's Dream to Reality First session. It is best to book these sessions around the time that the Sun would move into your next house. I will help you to discover those dates during our first session together.
It is advised to schedule these check ins around the time of the Sun moving into the next house, and at minimum when the Sun moves into: 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses. To know what to look forward to and reflect on what the past House time period was like.
These are 30 minute check ins that will feature:
1. Checking in with your progress
2. Looking at your chart for any energies that may be present during the time the Sun will be in that House
3. Pulling Oracle Cards to verify as needed
Annual Forecast
- Annual Forecast - $150
- This service is to help you understand the energies you have access to in near future to the year ahead. You always have choice if you want to use this energy or not! Its focus is how the Outer Planets will be working with the inner planets in your chart. Due to the nature of this type of reading it does require at least 48 hours notice to give adequate time looking at your chart.
Special Event
- "Pisces Birthday" Solar Return Reading - $130
Happy birthday Pisces Sun!
This is a perfect compliment AFTER having a Birth Chart reading or as a 2nd booking to have both birthday specials. This is EXCLUSIVELY for those whose birthdays are between February 18, 2025 - March 20, 2025. To receive this discount from the regular priced service of $150 the session must be booked and held before March 20, 2025.
Within a Solar Return reading Sarah will share with you your life purpose and what is that you came here to do in this coming year! It is your birthday after all! We take aspects of your Natal Birth Chart and will compare it to the Solar Return chart to paint a picture of your year to come! This reading is for those over the age of 21 only please.
When booking this session please include your Date of Birth including year, Time of birth with AM or PM and Location. It is also important to include where you will BE on the day of your birthday - City, State, Country Your session will be reordered and sent to you after it as well!
My hope is this gives you permission to live your best life to bring your dreams into focus and reality! - "Aries Birthday" Solar Return Reading - $130
Happy birthday Aries Sun!
If you have ever had a Birth Chart reading OR you want to take advantage of BOTH Birthday specials this is the best thing to book 2nd!
THIS is EXCLUSIVELY for those whose birthdays are between March 20 - April 19. For the birthday discount the session must be booked before April 19.
Within a Solar Return reading Sarah will share with you your life purpose and what is that you came here to do in this coming year! It is your birthday after all! We take aspects of your Natal Birth Chart and will compare it to the Solar Return chart to paint a picture of your year to come! This reading is for those over the age of 21 only please.
When booking this session please include your Date of Birth including year, Time of birth with AM or PM and Location. It is also important to include where you will BE on the day of your birthday - City, State, Country Your session will be reordered and sent to you after it as well!
My hope is this gives you permission to live your best life to bring your dreams into focus and reality! - "Aries Birthday" Birth Chart Reading - $130
Happy birthday Aries Sun!
If you have never had a Birth Chart Reading this is the BEST place to start and is EXCLUSIVELY for those whose birthdays are between March 20 - April19. Likewise if you HAVE had a reading we can use this time to check transits and do oracle cards too!
To receive this discount from the regular priced service of $150 the session must be booked and held before April 19.
Within a birth chart reading Sarah will share with you your life purpose, what is that you came here to do in this lifetime? You will learn your character and how to work with your struggles and how to fly with your gifts. You will learn what it is going on currently with planets and how it's affecting your life - the opportunities that are coming your way and how to make the most of them; where to slow down and where to jump on!
When booking this session please include your Date of Birth including year, Time of birth with AM or PM and Location. Your session will be reordered and sent to you after it as well!
My hope is this gives you permission to live your best life to bring your dreams into focus and reality! - "Pisces Birthday" Birth Chart Reading - $130
Happy birthday Pisces Sun!
If you have never had a Birth Chart done before this is the BEST place to start for it is EXCLUSIVELY for those whose birthdays are between February 18, 2025 - March 20, 2025. Likewise if you HAVE had a reading we can use this time to check transits and do oracle cards too!
To receive this discount from the regular priced service of $150 the session must be booked and held before March 20.
Within a birth chart reading Sarah will share with you your life purpose, what is that you came here to do in this lifetime? You will learn your character and how to work with your struggles and how to fly with your gifts. You will learn what it is going on currently with planets and how it's affecting your life - the opportunities that are coming your way and how to make the most of them; where to slow down and where to jump on!
When booking this session please include your Date of Birth including year, Time of birth with AM or PM and Location. Your session will be reordered and sent to you after it as well!
My hope is this gives you permission to live your best life to bring your dreams into focus and reality!