Choose a service to schedule
- Tax Preparation Long Form - $250
- Prices are based upon consultations and agreements to services. Additional forms such as Schedule F, Schedule C, and Schedule E are $50 for every form, up to 2. $25 for any additional after the 2 forms.
- Tax Preparation Short Form - $200
- Prices are based upon consultations and agreement to services. Additional Cost may add onto prices based on the amount of W-2's. After 3 W-2's $25 additional cost.
- Monthly Bookkeeping - $250
- $250 per month. Additional Cost may apply depending on the size of the business.
- Payroll Services - $150
- Includes Federal and State Taxes (OESC) & Sales Tax
- 1099 Issuance - $25
- $25 for every 5 employees.
- W-2 Issuance - $25
- $25 for every 5 employees.
- Beneficial Ownership Information - $250
- We will need a form of identification and Tax ID.
- Consultation
- Any questions for tax preparation or bookkeeping.
- Notary To Authorize - $5
Notary Stamp to Authorize: $5 per signature
-Affidavits - Amendment - $250
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