Choose a service to schedule
Imagery & Meditation:
- Interactive Imagery Session - $90
- Virtual Session via zoom
- iRest® Meditation Session - $90
- Virtual session via zoom
- Reiki 30-min DISTANCE Session - $60
- DISTANCE 30-minute Reiki Sessions are conducted at the specific date and time scheduled. You may want to rest quietly during your session, however it's not necessary. You will receive a text message from Nancy shortly before she begins sending Reiki to you, and again after she finishes sending.
- Reiki Practice Consulting - $125
- VIRTUAL (60-75 Minutes) - Zoom details will be emailed to you 1-2 days prior to your appointment
- MELT® Hand & Foot Session - $90
- Virtual session via zoom
- MELT® Hand & Foot 4-Session Pkg - $310
- Virtual sessions via zoom. Session one is scheduled at the time of purchase. You will schedule the remaining sessions with Nancy at your first appointment.
- TRE® (Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises) - $90
- Virtual session via zoom
- TRE® 4-Session Pkg - $310
- Virtual sessions via zoom. Session one is scheduled at the time of purchase. You will schedule the remaining sessions with Nancy at your first appointment.
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