Center for Student Success
The Center for Student Success offers resources to help you succeed. To schedule, select a service listed below and follow the steps to sign up for an appointment. Please note if you need to meet over video so we can send you a video meeting invitation.
Choose a service to schedule
1 on 1 Tutoring Sessions
- ABT-2013 Spreadsheet Apps in Business
- ACC-2063 Principles of Accounting II
- BIB-1013 New Testament History & Lit
- BIB-1023 The Narrative of Scripture
- BIO-1014 Principles of Biology
- BIO-1054 General Zoology
- BIO-1074 General Botany
- BIO-2044 Human A&P II
- BIO-3004 Microbiology
- BIO-3045 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
- CHE-1044 General Chemistry II
- CHE-1064 General, Organic, & Bio Chem
- CHE-3034 Organic Chemistry II
- CHE-4024 Biochemistry II
- CHH-3053 Christian Heritage II
- CSC-1053 Elementary Discrete Mathematics
- CSC-2024 Computer Science II
- ECO-1033 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO-1053- Principles of Microeconomics
- EGR-2053 Dynamics
- EGR-2073 Thermodynamics
- FIN-3073 Financial Management
- HIS-1013 Western Civilization II
- HIS-2013 U.S. History to 1865
- HIS-2023 U.S. History since 1865
- HIS-3193 Seminar in Historical Research
- MAT-0073 College Preparatory Math
- MAT-1013 Trigonometry
- MAT-1023 Precalculus Mathematics
- MAT-1033 Intro to Mathematical Systems
- MAT-1034 Calculus I
- MAT-2034 Calculus II
- MAT-2063 Introduction to Statistics
- NUR-2035 Fundamentals of Med-Surgical Nursing
- NUR-2043 Pathopharmacology I
- PHY-2024 General Physics II
- PHY-2065 University Physics II
- PSY-1013 General Psychology
- THE-3003 Christian Beliefs & Conviction
Supplemental Instruction (SI)
- Homework Help Sessions for Business Courses
Drop-by hours for homework help
WHEN: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:20-11:20 am
WHERE: Jetter 103 - BIO-1054 General Zoology SI
When: Thursdays 3:00-4:00 pm
Where: Regents 016 - BIO-2044 Human A&P II SI
Time: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00 pm
Location: Jetter 142 - CHE-1044 General Chemistry II SI
When: Tuesdays 10:20-11:20 AM, Thursdays prior to exams
Where: Faculty 108 - CHE-3034 Organic Chemistry II SI
Time: Tuesdays 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Regents 015 - CHH-3053 Christian Heritage II SI
Time: Tuesdays 10:20-11:20 AM
Location: Campus Center 243 - HIS-1013 The Western Tradition In World Context SI
When: Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm
Where: Library 039 (basement classroom) - NUR-2035 & 2043 Fund of Med-Surg Nursing/Pathopharmacology 1 SI
When: Wednesdays 4:15 PM
Where: Campus Center 300 - PHY-2024 General Physics 2 SI
WHEN: Mondays 6:30 PM
WHERE: Regents 014 - THE-3003 Christian Beliefs & Conviction SI
When: Monday 7:00 pm
Where: Hyson Campus Center 243
Academic Peer Mentor (APM)
- Academic Peer Mentor Meeting
- Meet with a CSS Student Mentor
Student Success Coach
- Student Success Coach
- Meet with a professional CSS staff member