Strides Equine Academy

"Providing the path... home, passion, fellowship"
Below you will find detailed information about Strides Equine Academy and Top Gun Horsemanship at Juniper Trails, from here you can schedule lessons, classes and groups, as well as sign up for our charter school programing, and sign riding wavers .
Whether you're just looking for a new relaxing fun outdoor hobby, dreaming of owing a horse or are curious about equine sports. Our program is for you!
Gift Certificates for lessons now available. Inquire with your personal coach.
~Strides Equine Academy and Top Gun Horsemanship at Juniper Trails ~
Offers a fun, and safe riding lesson program, for those students who’s primary goals are to improve physical fitness, build confidence, and produce a relaxed positive mental attitude through horses, riding, and ranch life.
(The beginner stage of riding is the hardest and takes the longest time to build muscle, muscle memory and good habits for both horse and rider to be successful as they progress. Speed will naturally come with learned balance, skill, confidence and control )
*Beginner I
*Beginner II
Our leveled program will first and foremost build skills and self confidence through horsemanship and horse husbandry. Each level reached will further your riding skills and horse knowledge. Students consistent in the program that have reached intermediate level will be eligible to other optional programing where they will continue to advance their horsemanship skills while unlocking new opportunities such as…
- Attending fun paid and free group lessons, shows and events at Juniper Trails
- Attending clinics by top trainers
- Able to join a work to ride program
- Able to join our lesson coach internship program
- Horse Lease Opportunities
-Assistance in purchasing their own horse
- Join Top Gun Horsemanship Crew Classes
TOP GUN HORSEMANSHIP (Call Talena for Info or To Schedule at 928 231 2022)
*Levels 4-7
Students will be eligible to join the Top Gun Horsemanship Crew where they will continue to advance their horsemanship skills while unlocking new opportunities such as…
-Joining our show team
-Attending clinics by top trainers
-Learning about the industry and sales prep
-Eligible for our mentorship program
-Attending events for different disciplines
-Able to join our internship program
- Horse Lease Opportunities (optional)
-Assistance in purchasing their own horse (optional)
Estimated time to complete program with 2 lessons per week: 25 months
Estimated time to complete program with 1 lesson per week: 42 months
(based on an average age and skill)
Please scroll down toward the bottom of the page to find info on our charter school program.
This is a level program similar to our Academy for those looking to learn about horses, their care, and how to ride them in a safe fun learning environment. Our goal is to help children boost confidence, improve physical fitness, and create a positive mental attitude through these amazing creatures. students will be encouraged to progress at their own individual pace and not pressured, but encouraged. Our goal is to build motivation through self-reliance and confidence.
Strides Kinder E- Cademy is the perfect fun and interactive introduction to horses for young riders ages 4 to 6. Every student in the class will have up to a half hour of riding time one on one with their own coach learning how to start, stop and steer. They will also play fun confidence building games with their coach while riding.
10 minutes will be fun on the ground learning about horses, horse safety, while brushing them, walking them giving out treats, and lots of learning.
ALL Program Lesson Information Arrival and Etiquette:
If you are.....
Tiny Tot Strides Academy and or Top Gun Students you can all park in the back parking lot behind the white and brick barn off of Juniper Street.
****PLEASE NOTE*****
Must sign on line waver before getting on a horse can start now or when you arrive on your first visit
Arrive on time for your lesson.
Avoid being too early or late.
A coach will be on the look out for you!
**Please Do not Pet or Give treats to our boarding horses they have private owner and some are a bit sassy or can not have treats.
* Please wear jeans/long pants and boots (any kind of boot with a decent heel will work)
* 7 and under parents must stay on premises
* 5 and under parents must stay present during lesson
* Have fun and be safe!
We will provide helmets if you don't have one 17 and under must ware helmets.
Students Please Remember do a final check before leaving Juniper Trails to be sure everything is put away and you have your personal affects.
Cancelation Policy:
You must notify your coach of the cancelation at least 24 hours in advance otherwise a $25 fee may apply. Exceptions may be made, please talk to your instructor. All advanced canceled lessons can be made up with your instructor please ask and schedule make up lessons with in 45 days.
Thank you so much for the support and trust you put in us! If you have any questions do not hesitate to text or call
our phone line and leave and message 951 837 1071
(please allow at lest 24 hours to receive a call back as we are working hard horsing around with our students and dealing with horse..... manure : )
Below you will find detailed information about Strides Equine Academy and Top Gun Horsemanship at Juniper Trails, from here you can schedule lessons, classes and groups, as well as sign up for our charter school programing, and sign riding wavers .
Whether you're just looking for a new relaxing fun outdoor hobby, dreaming of owing a horse or are curious about equine sports. Our program is for you!
Gift Certificates for lessons now available. Inquire with your personal coach.
~Strides Equine Academy and Top Gun Horsemanship at Juniper Trails ~
Offers a fun, and safe riding lesson program, for those students who’s primary goals are to improve physical fitness, build confidence, and produce a relaxed positive mental attitude through horses, riding, and ranch life.
(The beginner stage of riding is the hardest and takes the longest time to build muscle, muscle memory and good habits for both horse and rider to be successful as they progress. Speed will naturally come with learned balance, skill, confidence and control )
*Beginner I
*Beginner II
Our leveled program will first and foremost build skills and self confidence through horsemanship and horse husbandry. Each level reached will further your riding skills and horse knowledge. Students consistent in the program that have reached intermediate level will be eligible to other optional programing where they will continue to advance their horsemanship skills while unlocking new opportunities such as…
- Attending fun paid and free group lessons, shows and events at Juniper Trails
- Attending clinics by top trainers
- Able to join a work to ride program
- Able to join our lesson coach internship program
- Horse Lease Opportunities
-Assistance in purchasing their own horse
- Join Top Gun Horsemanship Crew Classes
TOP GUN HORSEMANSHIP (Call Talena for Info or To Schedule at 928 231 2022)
*Levels 4-7
Students will be eligible to join the Top Gun Horsemanship Crew where they will continue to advance their horsemanship skills while unlocking new opportunities such as…
-Joining our show team
-Attending clinics by top trainers
-Learning about the industry and sales prep
-Eligible for our mentorship program
-Attending events for different disciplines
-Able to join our internship program
- Horse Lease Opportunities (optional)
-Assistance in purchasing their own horse (optional)
Estimated time to complete program with 2 lessons per week: 25 months
Estimated time to complete program with 1 lesson per week: 42 months
(based on an average age and skill)
Please scroll down toward the bottom of the page to find info on our charter school program.
This is a level program similar to our Academy for those looking to learn about horses, their care, and how to ride them in a safe fun learning environment. Our goal is to help children boost confidence, improve physical fitness, and create a positive mental attitude through these amazing creatures. students will be encouraged to progress at their own individual pace and not pressured, but encouraged. Our goal is to build motivation through self-reliance and confidence.
Strides Kinder E- Cademy is the perfect fun and interactive introduction to horses for young riders ages 4 to 6. Every student in the class will have up to a half hour of riding time one on one with their own coach learning how to start, stop and steer. They will also play fun confidence building games with their coach while riding.
10 minutes will be fun on the ground learning about horses, horse safety, while brushing them, walking them giving out treats, and lots of learning.
ALL Program Lesson Information Arrival and Etiquette:
If you are.....
Tiny Tot Strides Academy and or Top Gun Students you can all park in the back parking lot behind the white and brick barn off of Juniper Street.
****PLEASE NOTE*****
Must sign on line waver before getting on a horse can start now or when you arrive on your first visit
Arrive on time for your lesson.
Avoid being too early or late.
A coach will be on the look out for you!
**Please Do not Pet or Give treats to our boarding horses they have private owner and some are a bit sassy or can not have treats.
* Please wear jeans/long pants and boots (any kind of boot with a decent heel will work)
* 7 and under parents must stay on premises
* 5 and under parents must stay present during lesson
* Have fun and be safe!
We will provide helmets if you don't have one 17 and under must ware helmets.
Students Please Remember do a final check before leaving Juniper Trails to be sure everything is put away and you have your personal affects.
Cancelation Policy:
You must notify your coach of the cancelation at least 24 hours in advance otherwise a $25 fee may apply. Exceptions may be made, please talk to your instructor. All advanced canceled lessons can be made up with your instructor please ask and schedule make up lessons with in 45 days.
Thank you so much for the support and trust you put in us! If you have any questions do not hesitate to text or call
our phone line and leave and message 951 837 1071
(please allow at lest 24 hours to receive a call back as we are working hard horsing around with our students and dealing with horse..... manure : )
Choose a service to schedule
Getting Started
- Trial Lesson - $50 (call for appointment)
Welcome to Strides Equine Academy at Juniper Trails.
We would like to get you started with an hour Trial Lesson! This allows you and your family to see how you like horse lessons and all that is involved before committing to our monthly program. This will also give us a good idea of the best match in coaches from our Strides Beginner or Top Gun Program. We will start off with horse safety and how to be around all horses, no matter what level experience the student has with horses, to insure everyone is safe and having a great time! The student will get to ride and experience some of the things you will be learning each week in lessons. Our program facilitator will also be on site with the parents while the student is riding to go over details on how the program works, what we offer and information about the facility, as well as answer any questions. Please text Talena Campbell for a trial lesson today. 951. 837. 1071
Strides Equine Academy
- Beginner I
$60 / per single lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week / 4 weeks (Savings: $40 / month)
$400/ month 2 lessons a week / 4 weeks (Savings: $80/ month)
In Beginner I students will learn about safety around horses; basic care; equipement; anatomy of horses; and basic horsemanship including walk/trot gates, transitions, control, balance, and conditioning.
to begin contact our Lesson Message Center (951) 837 - 1071 (please allow at least 24 to 48 hours to receive a call back as we are out all day working hard with students horsing around and dealing with horse manure : )
fill out our one time liability release forms on line waver here
- Beginner II
$60 / per single lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week / 4 weeks (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week / 4 weeks (Savings: $80 / month)
In Beginner II students will continue their safety training around horses learning what to do in emergency situations; expand their knowledge of horses such as breeds, coat patterns, disciplines, and history; advance their horsemanship skills including walk/jog/extended jog/trot/canter gates, transitions, control, groundwork, and etiquette.
Students will also have the opportunity to participate in horse show events at Juniper Trails. All students will recieve a certificate, shirt, and prize at the completion of this level.
- Independent Riding - $30
- Some clients will be allowed to complete Independent Riding. A coach will be there to supervise. The client will get their lesson horse brushed, saddled, and warmed up. They will then complete an exercise from the Top Gun Horsemanship video database. They will then be required to walk their horse out, unsaddle, brush/wash them down, and return them to their stall in the same condition they were prior to the ride.
Juniper Trails Tiny Tots ages 4 to 6
- Strides Kinder E - Cademy - $42 (call for appointment)
Kinder E-Cademy Ages 4 to 6
$ 150.00 per month or a 4 lesson package.
Strides Kinder E- Cademy is a private class and the perfect fun and interactive introduction to horses for little riders. Students will have riding time one on one with their own coach learning how to start, stop and steer. They will also play fun confidence building games with their coach for the purpose of developing confidence, muscle, muscle memory and effective skills for pleasure or competition in the future.
10 min students practice safe handling methods including, tying, leading, lunging, and grooming, and the horse favorite giving out treats. Students are familiarized with parts of the horse and tack, with fun prizes at the end of class. For an appointment please text (951) 837 -1071 and allow at least 24 hours to respond
Top Gun Horsemanship
- Beginner I
This class is only as requested. In order to pass this level the student must be able to complete all the tasks listed below. We will touch on other skills not listed throughout their lessons, but this is the main criteria they will be tested on.
Beginner 1 Curriculum:
Brush out horse correctly
Saddle horse correctly
Wash horse correctly
Able to name all brushes in their horse’s box
Able to name horse colors and markings
Able to lunge horse in each direction at walk/trot
Able to stop horse correctly
Walk, posting trot while in control
Walk/trot following along the rail while maintaining speed
Able to keep hands in correct position and still while at the walk/trot
Keeps body in correct position while in the walk/trot
Able to walk around bareback while remaining balanced and in control
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $80 / month) - Beginner II
This class is only as requested. In order to pass this level the student must be able to complete all the tasks listed below. We will touch on other skills not listed throughout their lessons, but this is the main criteria they will be tested on.
Beginner 2 Curriculum:
Able to brush, and saddle horse correctly in under 15 minutes
Able to adjust stirrups to the correct length
Able lunge horse at a controlled trot and canter each direction
Name main parts of the halter, saddle, and bridle
Able to walk, sitting trot, and posting trot on the correct diagonals
Smooth, fluid transitions between the walk, sitting trot, and posting trot
Able to collect horse up into the bit and let horse travel flat
Able to stop and back horse up smoothly
Able to make smooth 40ft circles off of a big rectangle
Able to make a square figure 8 without losing momentum or falling out of gate
Able to walk/trot bareback while remaining in control
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $80 / month) - Intermediate
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $80 / month)
Intermediate is a big step up so students may be at this level for a longer period than beginner levels. In order to pass this level the student must be able to complete all the tasks listed below. We will touch on other skills not listed throughout their lessons, but this is the main criteria they will be tested on.
Intermediate Curriculum:
Able to put on bell boots and splint boots correctly
Able to bridle horse correctly and smoothly
Able to load/unload a horse correctly in trailer
Able to show a horse in hand (walk, trot, stop, backup, set up, pivot)
Able to tie horses up with 3 different knots and explain when they would use each knot
Able to name the main body parts on a horse (forelock, mane, throat latch, withers, cannon bone, fetlock, hocks, stifle, and SI)
Able to lunge horse in all 3 gates controlled and turn horse each direction
Able to walk, sitting trot, posting trot (with correct diagonals), and canter while remaining in control
Able to complete a circle figure 8 without losing momentum or falling out of gate (If in posting trot must use correct diagonals)
Able to smoothly transition from the walk/trot/canter
Able to stop and back horse by using body position rather than reins
Able to walk/trot/canter horse bareback while remaining in control
- Level 4
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $80 / month)
In order to pass this level the student must be able to complete all the tasks listed below. We will touch on other skills not listed throughout their lessons, but this is the main criteria they will be tested on.
Level 4 Curriculum:
Able to apply liniment, clay, medicine, etc.
Able to wrap a wound correctly. Able to give horse medication through the mouth (ex. wormer)
Able to name all the types of hay in the barn and describe their uses, advantages, and drawbacks
Able to hand walk a horse at the walk/trot/stop/backup without using a halter in the smaller pens
Able to collect, arc, and counter arc horse
Able to have horse work off of hind end while staying in the bit as well as stride out working flat
Able to do rollbacks (inside and out), cork screws, California rollback, and 360
Able to canter on correct leads while maintaining a slight inside arc
Able to complete all tasks both direct rein and neck rein
Able to ride horse bareback around circles, tight turns, and over the jump/ground rails - Level 5
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $80 / month)
In order to pass this level the student must be able to complete all the tasks listed below. We will touch on other skills not listed throughout their lessons, but this is the main criteria they will be tested on.
Level 5 Curriculum:
Able to correctly wrap polo wraps
Able to correctly braid horses mane and tail
Able to correctly put on a braided tail bag, blanket, slinky, etc.
Able to name different clips and when to use them. Able to name the temperatures in which to blanket
Able to hand walk horse through scary objects, desensitize horse to lunge whip, and back through a maze
Able to pivot under saddle both directions on the front end and back end
Able to smoothly transition from walk/sitting trot/posting trot/canter/stop/backup using body position rather than reins
Able to complete simple lead changes through the middle of the arena
Able to ride horse bareback through difficult courses without relying on the reins for balance (ex. Cowboy challenge, reining patterns, over a jump course, etc.)
Able to correctly ride horse using aids such as whips, crops, spurs, german martingale, etc. - Level 6
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $80 / month)
In order to pass this level the student must be able to complete all the tasks listed below. We will touch on other skills not listed throughout their lessons, but this is the main criteria they will be tested on.
Level 6 Curriculum:
Go watch at least 3 horse events of your choosing (ex. Rodeo, horse show, gymkhana, roping)
Get at least 40/50 correct on “horse trivia”
Pick 1-2 events and perfect them (ex. Barrels, poles, breakaway, drill team)
Able to ride horse bareback through difficult courses at speed without relying on the reins for balance (ex. The barrel pattern, poles, jumping, horse soccer, etc.)
Able to care for a horse completely on their own
- Level 7
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$400 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $80 / month)
In order to pass this level the student must be able to complete all the tasks listed below. We will touch on other skills not listed throughout their lessons, but this is the main criteria they will be tested on.
Level 7 Curriculum:
Able to prepare horse for a competition
Able to prepare trailer for a competition
Knows and practices proper competition etiquette
Able to complete any task that may come up in the competition and hauling setting
Compete in a minimum of 5 competitions
Take a minimum of 2 clinics with an expert in that field
Able to sales prep a horse
If desired, student may go through the process of buying a horse. Creating a budget, figuring out how to pay for board, manage tasks, going through ads, trying horses out, etc. - Independent Riding - $30
- Some clients will be allowed to complete Independent Riding. A coach will be there to supervise. The client will get their lesson horse brushed, saddled, and warmed up. They will then complete an exercise from the Top Gun Horsemanship video database. They will then be required to walk their horse out, unsaddle, brush/wash them down, and return them to their stall in the same condition they were prior to the ride.
- Sage Oak (call for appointment)
We have partnered with your charter school to offer a fun, and safe riding lesson program, for those students who’s primary goals are to improve physical fitness, build confidence, and produce a relaxed positive mental attitude through horses, riding, and ranch life!
In Beginner 1 students will learn about safety around horses; basic care; equipment; anatomy of horses; and basic horsemanship including walk/trot gates, transitions, control, balance, and conditioning.
Price for classes
1 hour per week is $57.50 x 4 weeks = $230.00 per month
2 hours per week is $55.00 x 8 = $440.00 per month
- Sky Mountain (call for appointment)
Now that you have learned about horses safety and how to ride let's build more motivation, confidence, and self reliance, through fun equine activities at our ranch. learning what to do in emergency situations; expand their knowledge of horses such as breeds, coat patterns, disciplines, and history; advance their horsemanship skills including walk/jog/extended jog/trot/canter gates, transitions, control, groundwork, and etiquette.
$57.50 1 hour per week x 4 weeks = $230.00 per month
$55.00 2 hours per week x 4 weeks = $440 per month
Please text for Class Scheduling.
Alicia Albin 951. 837. 1071 - Mission Vista (call for appointment)
We also offer In house horse activities such as shoes, events, clinics, and ranch work.
In Intermediate, students will learn the specifics of equipment, anatomy, disciplines, horse care, and the modern horse world; they will become proficient with groundwork and horsemanship learning about collection, balance, lateral flexion, leg pressure, and seat control while developing feel.
$57.50 1 hour per week x 4 weeks = $230.00 per month
$55.00 2 hours per week x 4 weeks = $440 per month
Please text for Class Scheduling.
Alicia Albin 951. 837. 1071 - Springs Charter
951 837 1071
These first lesson will focus on horse safety and information about horses as well as learning to groom tack and ride!
Most children and adults alike find out it is much harder than they thought and much different than trail rides. Riding takes lots of building muscle memory and learning balance, coordination, self reliance and leadership. These things take time and consistency. First months lessons we will share lots of horse safety, horse information and get them riding to see if in fact horses are for them.
after you request and receive your PO or Certificate from your school
you can start lessons by Contacting our Lesson Message Center (951) 837 - 1071 (please allow at least 24 to 48 hours to receive a call back as we are out all day working hard with students horsing around and dealing with horse manure : )
fill out our one time liability release forms on line waver here
Tiny Tots 5 to 6 / 7 years old $40.00 1/2 hour per week x4 weeks = 160 per month
Ages 7 and older $57.50 1 hour per week x 4 weeks = $230.00 per month
Ages 7 and older $55.00 2 hours per week x 4 weeks = $440 per month
Horse Owners
- Tune Up Lesson - $30
- Tune up lessons are only half an hour. They are a good alternative to the full hour whenever you are only wanting a quick tune up or opinion on a certain task. Horse must be saddled and warmed up by the lesson time. Please discuss with Talena what an approprate warm up is for you and your horse as it varies between different horse and rider teams.
- Hour Lesson - $60
$60 / lesson
$200 / month 1 lesson a week (Savings: $40 / month)
$375 / month 2 lessons a week (Savings: $105 / month)
Hour lessons are great for everyone and we recommend that you have at least one hour lesson per week. Please notify your trainer about your horse's skill level before booking a private lesson. Please have your horse saddled by your scheduled lesson time. - Turnouts - $10
Monday - Tuesday -Thursday 8am through 12pm Hunter (951) 204-2754
Tuesday - Wednesday Friday *an to 12pm Olivia (951) 760-6205
You horse will be lead from their stall to the big area for individual horse play once a week.
(Ask about multi service package deals) - Lunging - $15
Monday - Tuesday -Thursday 8am through 12pm Hunter (951) 204-2754
Tuesday - Wednesday Friday *an to 12pm Olivia (951) 760-6205
Your horse will be lunged using correct horsemanship techniques for 15 minutes or what is needed.
(Ask about multi service package deals) - Ground Work - $25
Monday - Tuesday -Thursday 8am through 12pm Hunter (951) 204-2754
Tuesday - Wednesday Friday *an to 12pm Olivia (951) 760-6205
Ground work will consist of working on ground manners, collection and handling.
(Ask about multi service package deals) - Grooming - $10
Monday - Tuesday -Thursday 8am through 12pm Hunter (951) 204-2754
Tuesday - Wednesday Friday *an to 12pm Olivia (951) 760-6205
Brushing, picking hooves, braiding, shine spray, fly spray
(Ask about multi service package deals) - Horse Spa - $30
Monday - Tuesday -Thursday 8am through 12pm Hunter (951) 204-2754
Tuesday - Wednesday Friday *an to 12pm Olivia (951) 760-6205
regular shampoo, conditioner, shine, braiding. If you want speciality shampoo you must provide
(Ask about multi service package deals) - Stall Service - $40
Monday - Tuesday -Thursday 8am through 12pm Hunter (951) 204-2754
Tuesday - Wednesday Friday *an to 12pm Olivia (951) 760-6205
Stall cleaned, matts moved, ground graded, footing spread out . Must provide own ground sanitizer and or footing (shavings, sand, ect..)
(Ask about multi service package deals)
42525 Juniper Street, Murrieta, CA, USA
+1 (951) 837 1071