Avery The Barber (Avery Normandin)
Avery The Barber @ Beauty On The Bricks
117 E 8th St,
Hays, KS 67601
117 E 8th St,
Hays, KS 67601
Choose a service to schedule
Rates 7/1/2024
- Haircut - $28
- Haircut + Eyebrow Shaping - $33
- Haircut + Beard Trim - $33
- Beard Trim only - $15
- Head Shave (w/Hot Towel) - $28
- Head Shave with hot towel service
- Head Shave + Beard Trim (w/Hot Towel) - $33
- Head Shave + Beard Trim with hot towel service
- Face Shave (w/Hot Towel) - $33
- Face Shave with hot towel service
- Lineup Only - $13
- Eyebrows Only - $10
- Electronic/Credit Card/Debit Card Processing Fee - $2
Fee for processing payments of Electronic/Credit Card/Debit Card Processing
Rates 6/1/22-7/1/2024
- Haircut - $23
- Lineup included and Razor Fade included as needed/requested
- Haircut and Beard trim - $28
- Lineup - $15
- Beard Trim - $13
- Head Shave - $23
- Head Shave with Straight razor and hot steam towel
- Face Shave - $30
- Facial shave with straight razor, hot towel, and lather
- Eyebrows - $10
- cleaning up the eyebrows with a straight razor
- Haircut & Face Shave - $40
- Lineup & hot towel included
- Electronic or Credit Card Processing Fee - $1.50
- Additional $1.50 added for electronic or credit card payment types