387th District Court

Choose a service to schedule
Uncontested Matters
- Uncontested Prove Up
- Setting for person that wishes to prove up an uncontested agreement.
- Name Change of Adult
- Party must file fingerprint card, DPS and FBI criminal history, and proposed order prior to prove up hearing.
- Name Change of a Child
- Party must file a BVS Form and Agreed Order prior to prove up hearing.
Submission Dockets
- Submission Docket
- Use for hearings to be considered by submission. Check court's policies for matters requested to be set for consideration by submission.
- No Answer Default
- Party must file a proposed order, non-military affidavit, certificate of last known address, BVS Form, and a sworn inventory in a divorce prior to court appearance.
- Quick Approach
- Setting requires ALL attorneys/parties of record to approach the judge to discus any issue that cannot be addressed by submission.
Temporary Orders Hearing
Miscellaneous Hearing
- Miscellaneous Hearing
- For any other setting not listed on this site, except for final trials. Final trial dates will be given out only by the Court or court coordinator.
Protective Orders
- Pre-Trial Conference Adoption
- A pre-trial conference is required in each child adoption case. The date for prove up will be set at the pre-trial conference.
- Adoption Prove Up
- Termination and Adoption Prove Up
Writ of Habeas Corpus
Self Represented Litigants
1422 Eugene Heimann Cir, Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 238-3290