387th District Court

Choose a service to schedule

Uncontested Matters

Uncontested Prove Up
Setting for person that wishes to prove up an uncontested agreement.
Name Change of Adult
Party must file fingerprint card, DPS and FBI criminal history, and proposed order prior to prove up hearing.
Name Change of a Child
Party must file a BVS Form and Agreed Order prior to prove up hearing.

Submission Dockets

Submission Docket
Use for hearings to be considered by submission. Check court's policies for matters requested to be set for consideration by submission.


No Answer Default
Party must file a proposed order, non-military affidavit, certificate of last known address, BVS Form, and a sworn inventory in a divorce prior to court appearance.
Quick Approach
Setting requires ALL attorneys/parties of record to approach the judge to discus any issue that cannot be addressed by submission.

Temporary Orders Hearing

Temporary Order Hearing
Modify/Additional Temporary Orders

Miscellaneous Hearing

Miscellaneous Hearing
For any other setting not listed on this site, except for final trials. Final trial dates will be given out only by the Court or court coordinator.

Protective Orders

Protective Order Hearing


Enforcement Hearing


Pre-Trial Conference Adoption
A pre-trial conference is required in each child adoption case. The date for prove up will be set at the pre-trial conference.
Adoption Prove Up
Termination and Adoption Prove Up

Writ of Habeas Corpus

Writ Hearing

Self Represented Litigants

Uncontested Prove Up
Name Change of Adult
Name Change of a Child